Tuesday, May 26, 2009

this post will be full of anger, impoliteness, and sometimes vulgar. i suggest if you can't take such, kindly click on the close window button on the top right corner of your screen. thank you.

I HATE THAT BLOODY GEORGE! f off man. you know what happened during pe today, my SG was doing our napfa 5 stations. and wth is i went to do the standing board jump which she was taking. oh well, i started my jump. all she did was to shout beside my ear saying ''FOUL'' i obviously dont know why right. then i did it again. and she shouted that freaking word again and again for 3-4 times!. she only told me my mistake when i took my 3rd or th attempt. basket sia. i was so pissed off that i cried. what's her bloody problem man! do you have to shout like that? you think you're watching some soccer match? huh! huh!!! wtf! you want to shout go somewhere and shout! i'm doing my standard board jump and NOT playing soccer!! wth wtf! basket! why cant you tell me nicely? attitude ah. you call yourself HOD of PE. phew! i doubt your abilities. fierce, uncaring, shout shout shout, unreasonable and attitude! is this the characteristics that a HOD should have? i think you have been trying your best to lick the high heel S of the principal that she was blinded with your goodness to let u be that idoitic hod. the activities that you planned are so lame, so unorganised. you call urself a hod! wth.
Not only that, you insulted my dad. my dad called you to ask you about the camp. and what did you do? you heard a chinese speaking man and u simply flank your phone to another teacher. and when my form teacher asked me to go see you, you insulted by saying 'the one that spoke chinese?' showing me an irritating and attitude face and just walk away. HELLO! i talked to u nicely and this is what you showed me! come on, you are a chinese yet you dont know how to speak chinese! married to some ang-moh? huh. how humilating it will be if you go out, someone talk to you in chinese and you dont know how to reply? throwing our Chinese face? so you think people who speak chinese are not educated? and people who speak english are very good, high class? so what? have you read the news that there more non-chinese people picking up chinese as their second language because they find it useful in jobs and many aspects! you cant even speak chinese and i bet you will get thrash the moment you step into china. or maybe, you dont have to go to the extent. 1 day most of the jobs require chinese language and i bet you cant get a good job either. now i'll see how you're going to laugh and insult my father you freaking idiot! i hate people like you!! you dont deserve my respect at all!

anger is still boiling at the highest peak of my limit! i will not retain myself in jc1 to see your irritating old hag face, attending your lame activities, and asking my friends and i to help you clean up the canteen when we're having pe! cant you get those ppl in the canteen? wth. get lost you idiot! I WILL HATE YOU FOREVER!! THE MOST RUTHLESS TEACHER I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY WHOLE LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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